Two Year Survey

The survey has three main sections: challenges to student success, student-office interactions, and student views of the institution.

1. Challenges to student success

The Challenges section asks students about the challenges they faced during the current semester. There are over 80 unique challenges to student success across five different areas.

Finances and financial aid

Where did you have issues paying expenses? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with the financial aid office? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with military and employer tuition benefits? Please check all that apply.

Academic support services

What issues did you have with academic advising? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have registering for courses? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with tutoring? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with the computer and science labs? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with the library? Please check all that apply.

Campus environment

What issues did you have with other students? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with parking? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with safety and crime on campus? Please check all that apply.

Success in courses

What issues did you have with developmental courses? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have doing college-level work? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with faculty? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with online classes? Please check all that apply.

Work and personal life

What issues did you have with work? Please check all that apply.
What health and disability issues did you have? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with transportation to campus? Please check all that apply.
What issues did you have with family and friends? Please check all that apply.

2. Student-office interactions

This section asks students about their experiences with five campus offices chosen by the college. Office names are customized for each campus, so that students see office names they recognize. Our research indicates that students want office staff who are 1) accessible, 2) concerned about helping them, and 3) can effectively solve their problem.

Office usage

Have you contacted or interacted with OFFICE NAME during this semester?

Dimensions of interaction

How available were OFFICE NAME staff when you interacted with them?
How concerned were OFFICE NAME staff about addressing your issue?
How effective were OFFICE NAME staff when addressing your issue?

3. Student views of the institution

Instead of generic satisfaction questions, this section asks students to evaluate their educational experience in more meaningful ways.

Recommend to a Friend

Based on your experiences, how likely are you to recommend INSTITUTION NAME to a friend?

Value of their education

Considering the overall value of the education you have received so far from INSTITUTION NAME, is it …

Purpose for taking courses

What is your purpose for taking courses at INSTITUTION NAME? Please choose the response that best fits your purpose.

Is education meeting their goal

[Students are asked only one of these questions, based on their response to the question about why they are taking courses.]
How well is your education at INSTITUTION NAME helping you improve yourself?
How well is your education at INSTITUTION NAME increasing your job and career opportunities?
How well is your education at INSTITUTION NAME preparing you for a four-year degree?